Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Why Hannah has been neglecting her family

I haven't spent much time recently sipping cocktails in my negligée while buffing my nails, but I have been slaving over my Diploma in translation.  As of last Friday, all the marks have been totted up and it's OVER.  Yay!  

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Christmas Spirit

The sun is sunny, the sky is blue and the temperature is about 20 degrees today, so it's clearly time to start making Christmas cake.

How else to measure out 125ml of whisky, apart from in Harriet's bottle?

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Hannah is less busy, Tilly is excited, Harriet worries about vampires and Reuben thinks that Dave may or may not be inspirational

Wow - can't believe I haven't updated the blog since June.  There was the small matter of surviving  semester, which started in July and was horrible while it lasted but is now OVER!