Monday, 10 October 2011

Q: What is wrong with this jar of Marmite?

A: It is EMPTY.

When you are me, and never knowingly without a jar of the brown stuff close to hand, this is a sad and rather worrying state of affairs.  I reached the bottom of the jar this morning and even after assiduous scraping of the sides, the quantity on my bread was very thin.

And why is this a problem, you ask.  Well, despite having the Queen on our postage stamps and dollar bills over here, there are some things that NZ does differently, and one of them is Marmite.

Behold exhibit A.

Exhibit A
When we went to Russell in August (with my trusty jar accompanying me, of course) I was interested to find three other varieties of yeast extract in the cupboard of the house where we stayed.  Time for a taste test, naturally.

From left to right, we have:
1. Promite: No.  Wrong wrong wrong.  Bear in mind that I'm speaking as a yeast extract fanatic of many years' standing when I say this is just repellent.  I probably feel the same way about this as your average Marmite hater feels about Marmite.  Gross.

2. Marmite: Well, interesting this one.  That's what it says on the jar.  But is it?  No, no and no.  This is 'Marmite' as made by the New Zealand company Sanitarium.  Sanitarium has been making this product in NZ since 1919, but with a different recipe.  The ingredients of UK Marmite are:

Yeast Extract
Vegetable Extract
Vitamin: Niacin
Vitamins: B1, B2, Folic Acid, B12

However, over here, the second ingredient on the list is sugar.

Sugar?  Imagine Marmite that tastes a bit sweet... Need I say more?

3. Vegemite: the Australian version.  It's not Marmite, but at a pinch it will do.  I've just been out to buy a jar of this.  My mornings won't be the same, but it's better than nowt.

4. Finally, the real deal.  I am pining.

Fortunately, our first visitor from the UK is arriving in a couple of weeks time and has been asked to bring urgent supplies of real Marmite with her.  (Maire, if you're reading this, you seriously can't bring too much!)


  1. Yes Mum bring as much of the stuff as you like. It never goes off as, let's face it, what self respecting microbe is going to go anywhere near the foul and loathsome 'extract'?

  2. PS: update 17 October. Heard the person in charge of the operation to remove fuel oil from the Rena, which is currently stranded off the coast of NZ and leaking oil everywhere (and aren't we glad that it isn't our shipping container that's stuck on the ship or being washed up on nearby beaches!) interviewed on the radio this morning. He said that getting the oil off the vessel was like trying to suck Marmite down a pipe. I don't feel this is a positive comparison. Blatant anti-yeast extractism in my opinion. H
