Wednesday, 11 November 2015

The name's Burdekin, Tilly Burdekin

Discovered this on Tilly's writing pad the other day:

So I want to know: has Tilly been contracted to write the script for the next Bond film?  If so, what happens next, because it sounds gripping!

Or is she just demonstrating an overly cautious approach?  Perhaps her life is actually full of hidden dangers that her parents simply don't appreciate because we've forgotten what it's like to be six. I don't remember it being particularly perilous, but maybe I've blocked out something traumatic.  Hmmm....

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

What we have been eating recently 4

For a start, some of us have been eating things we weren't supposed to:

I call this the 'well, it's your fault for leaving the chocolate spread jar on the side where I could reach it after dragging the stool across the kitchen and climbing up' expression. Harriet can add it to her croissant stealing expression, I suppose.  As for the rest of us, we've been enjoying a new cake recipe